Author Visits

Skype Visits are available for free with proof of purchase of the author’s seven books.

Author visits enrich your students’ reading and writing programs. Canadian children’s author, Susan Ross, will share the excitement of creating a story: from what triggered the idea, to the writing, editing, illustrating and printing of the book. Author visits are tailored to the age of the children attending the presentation.

Susan generally does visits for JK to Grade 4 but will do other grades upon request.

“It is so rewarding to read my books to children and watch their expressive little faces as they sit mesmerized by the story and pictures.”


Students Captivated by The Kit Kat Caper: The primary classes were lucky to have author, Susan Ross, visit them on October 20th (2009). She delighted the students as she read from her new book, The Kit Kat Caper. The children learned about all the work that goes into writing a published book. They even got to see original paintings that became the illustrations in her book. What a fun learning experience! One child’s comment to Susan sums up how the child felt, “You’re the best author and I have your book at home!”

Tom Howes, Tecumseh P.S., London, ON


“… the primary division had the pleasure of experiencing a wonderful workshop and storytelling time with local author Susan Ross… The workshop allowed the students to walk through the process with Mrs. Ross of how a creative idea can be developed into a story, tested on the target audience, and then completed for publishing purposes. She shared with us how she discovered her illustrator.. She also entertained us with her wonderful storytelling abilities by presenting her published work as well as allowing us to be her audience for her upcoming Halloween book (The Kit Kat Caper). The students were greatly enlightened in the writing process and thoroughly entertained. A great time was had by everyone!”

— Agatha White, Stoneybrook P.S., London, ON